Vietnam - Halong Bay

Recognized by Unesco as a World Heritage Site, the Halong Bay has thousands of natural islands peaking out of the sea.  It was truly the most scenic place we have visited so far in Asia.

The Halong Bay also signaled our first time on a cruise ship!  We were both very excited (although watching Titanic the week before the trip was probably a poor choice). 

Ready. Set. Cruise.
 O Hello Halong Bay.
Our Cabin had its own deck overlooking the ship (okay - we had to pay for the larger room because it was the only one left - but everyone kept inquiring about us since we had the "nicest room on the ship".  International couple of mystery of right here.)

The first day we cruised the bay, hiked up a mountain and through an incredible cave, watched locals fish, took a cooking class, partied in traditional Vietnamese-wear, and went squid fishing.  It was jam-packed fun that I did not want to end. 

Cave Exploring.  This is largest Cave in the Halong Bay - and actually has fresh water ; ) 
Khakis in Caves #americantourist
Fresh Crab?
Mountain View.
Beers on the Bay
Happy Jim
Vietnamese Cooking Class (I was later presented a certificate for perfecting the spring roll)
When in Vietnam..
Squid Fishing.
(We didn't catch anything)
The next morning we enjoyed a cup of traditional Vietnamese coffee (which puts all other coffees to shame) and watched the sunrise over the Halong Bay.  There are certain moments on this adventure, that I just freeze.  This was definitely one of those - absolute silence outside, the smell of freshly dripped coffee and sea water, and the breathtaking beautiful bay.

Not a bad view.

After the most perfect morning, we went on a rowing excursion to explore more caves, saw some monkeys and had a few more cocktails before reaching land again. As sad as I was to leave, I was excited to continue the adventure in Hoi An.

Row. Row. Row Your Boat.
#peacesigning across Asia
Jenna and Jim

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