Formula One Singapore

It's the most wonderful time... of the year....

Vroom! Vroom! That's right - it's Formula One Time! 
 Singapore starts setting up for the race a few months ahead of time, so there is much anticipated excitement by the time race weekend arrives.  The city truly comes alive, and the official celebrity watch is on! 

The Singapore race is the only nighttime F1 race, and the exhilaration of watching the car sparks fly off into the night never gets old.  There was added excitement this year as a monitor lizard made its way onto the track and delayed the race. 
His Happy Place
Ready, Set, Go! 
This guy caused some problems (*not my photo)*

Halfway through the race, we moved to our favorite vantage point from last year and watched the cars from above racing into the night.  After a wonderful evening, we strolled on him to the tune of "We are the Champions.." from the Queen concert. 
Fav View
Skyline Scene

Another perfect weekend in Singapore!
Jenna and Jim 

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