Hong Kong is only 3 1/2 hours away, but it could not feel more different than Singapore!  It only took us about 10 minutes to remember how much we loved the hustle and bustle of Hong Kong.  The city itself is gorgeous and steeped in rich culture everywhere you look.

We soaked up the Asian vibes visiting various markets, enjoying the fantastic harbor views, and riding the glass-bottom cable cars to the Big Buddha statue (the latter was obviously my heights-afraid husband's favorite).

Here comes the Star Ferry 

Hong Kong Apartments 
The Bamboo Scaffolding gets me everytime! 
Those orange things are NOT Chinese cheetos
The beginning of actually a kinda scary ride up (and I enjoy heights). 
I see you Buddha. #IlikeBigBuddhasandIcannotlie
"O Really Jenna.. you drag me 30 min out of the city, make me wait in an hour line, take a 30 min scary ride up, and then I have to climb like 300 stairs.. to see a Buddha?  AND you want me to flash a double peace sign..." #wifeoftheyear
Obviously enjoying the views
One of Jim's old basketball friends lives in Hong as well.  We enjoyed a night with him that was filled with Tsingtao beer, cab karaoke, and a local seafood dinner which included our favorite - steamed bamboo clams.  We definitely stayed out past our bedtime and spent the next morning relaxing by the Conrad pool with a Bloody Mary. 

He fits in wherever he goes
If you haven't noticed, I take most of the photos so  I asked Jim to take one of me - and VOILA! #nailedit 
Peace out Hong Kong! Thanks for another unforgettable weekend.
Jenna and Jim 

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