Chicago - here we come!
Rogers Out.

It still seems surreal that our 2 year commitment is coming to an end, and we are heading back to Chicago.  The feeling is incredibly bittersweet.  We are obviously thrilled to be closer to family & friends, but will miss our dear Singapore. 
We cannot thank Singapore enough for being the best "host" country  - and it's proximity to the equator doesn't hurt.  The constant sunshine, multicultural heritage, gorgeous gardens, and flavorful hawker food will make this place difficult to leave.  We started our marriage here, met wonderful new friends, and traveled to places we never dreamed we would visit.  

I will finish updating the blog with our last few trips/weeks here; but for the time being, you can spot me out and about sobbing "this is the last time" cries around the island.  And yes, in the past week, I have cried over dumplings, at the pool, in Chinatown, etc.... just so many feels. Asia is the best.

Jenna and Jim

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