Back on the Little Red Dot

Jim and I are back on Singaporean soil after a trip home to the states.  I went home mid-April to celebrate the life of my cousin Philip and stayed for a few weeks. It was great to see family and friends!

We enjoyed some quality time with our nephews and niece.  I even got to visit the exotic city of Cleveland for 2 weeks! 

Jim, Matthew and Big Bird hanging out

Once back on the little red dot, we decided to spend some time re-aquainting ourselves with the pool.

I think it is safe to say we missed it.

The first Sunday back, we capped off a lazy weekend with a picnic at the Botanic Gardens and enjoyed watching the Singapore Symphony Orchestra.  A concert at the Botanic Gardens had been on our to-do list for quite some time and the orchestra put on an excellent performance.  There was some added excitement as the prime minister was also in attendance.

We are headed to Phuket next week! Can't wait to experience Thailand!

Jenna and Jim 

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