Hop-On, Hop Off.. Singapore Exploration

Ready for a ride under the nice shady canopy
We woke up and decided to be tourists for the day and do the hop-on hop-off bus.  We figured this would be a great way to get us acquainted with the island.

The tagline got us.

The bus ride turned out to be very informative and fun!  We were very impressed with Singapore and all the architecture.  There are so many influences on one island!

Little India

Colorful Buildings Everywhere.

Clarke Quay Area

Beer Time.


After being tourists, we decided to try grocery shopping.  Emphasis on the word TRY.   We ended up leaving with a bottle wine, peanut butter, jelly and bread. (sigh - we needed to do some more research).

Where are the Oreos located?

Sunday, February 1st 

Today we headed over to the Botanic Gardens.  We heard they were spectacular and they did not disappoint!  We started with brunch in one of the restaurants - Halia.  The food was delicious and the restaurant setting was even better! I would put it at least one notch above the Rainforest Cafe.

Iced Coffee.

The "small plates" were not so small. 

They even had Oreos! 

Open your eyes Jenna.

Beautiful Orchids!

Treetop walk along the trees.

Cool trees

Jenna and Jim


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