Playing Tourist

The past few days we have been getting settled and knocking off the touristy to-do list.  

Happy Hour in Singapore is very popular.  Drinks are typically discounted 1 for 1 (which is the Singapore way of saying buy 1 get 1 free).  We gave the Singapore Happy Hour a try on Friday.  I met him at his office and we went had a few drinks overlooking Sentosa Island. 

On Saturday, we went down to Marina Bay.  After taking pictures with Merlion (famous Singapore icon that is half-lion, half-fish), we took the River Tour. 

 Posing with Merlion (In retrospect - this is also when Jim got burnt to a crisp)

 After the boat tour, we found a nice a shady spot at a bar overlooking the bay and enjoyed the Extreme Sailing Series.  Although we had no idea what was going in the "race", it  was very impressive to see all the sailboats - they went way faster than we ever expected. 

Extreme Sailing Series

Boats & Beer

Dinner was in Chinatown.  Since the Chinese New Year is approaching, it was PACKED.  We dined and dashed to avoid the chaos.

  This picture doesn't do the crowd justice.  You could hardly move!

Gorgeous Temples - Can't wait to go explore inside! 

After a jam-packed Saturday, we took full advantage of the pool on Sunday.   

 Enjoying the latest issue of Vogue

Until next time, 
Jenna & Jim

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