Sorry for the hiatus - Jim and I have been getting settled.  After a week of administrative tasks - getting cell phones, opening bank accounts and finding an apartment, we spent the the last few days celebrating Chinese New Year.

The celebration started Wednesday night with a street festival and an amazing firework show at midnight.  We got a preview of the show when they practiced it on Tuesday night eating dinner in the Boat Quay area.

Chinese New Year is truly incredible.  It is amazing to experience the festivities and witness the traditions. The local Singaporeans have been more than welcoming to us and have even stopped to explain decorations, talk about the customs, etc.  

Walking to the Chinese New Year Festivities

Staging Area

 One of the locals told us we needed to ask this guy for good fortune in the New Year.

 Something Jim and I recognized!

Helix Bridge at Night

Tightrope Walker
Wallenda Who?

We spent New Years Day on Sentosa Island with some fellow expats at the Mambo Beach Club.  While enjoying some cocktails and sun, we could not get over the number of large ships anchored off-shore! 

 So Many Boats.

Some other fun things we have done are below:
Top of the Ion Center (Sponsored by the Singapore Cloud Association - no joke, that exists)

 Decorations in Chinatown

Newton Hawker Centre

Walk in Robertson Quay

We move into our permanent apartment next weekend!  We'll be sure to post some pictures once we get settled.  Have a great weekend!

~Jenna and Jim

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