
Jim and I made it home for a quick visit last week to Chicago.   It had been 6 months since we have seen our family and friends, and it was great to spend time with them.

Personally, I enjoyed the cooler weather  - boots, jackets, gloves and hats!  It was great to get all bundled up for a week (but I am extremely happy to be wearing shorts and tshirt right now).

We spent the week catching up with friends, playing with our nephews and niece,  going to Target, eating steak (isn’t the same here), and celebrating our one year anniversary with cakes from the Union League Club (they re-make them so we didn't have to freeze them for a year).  I also got to spend 2 days in Cleveland to help celebrate my sister's birthday. 

Sweets for my Sweeties
Ring Pop Tounges

Michael's Birthday Cake for Laura #2frostings
Happy Birthday Laura!
Aquarium Fun!
After a Gift Store Visit
Celebrating Birthdays!
We were both sad when the week was over.   Unfortunately, our flight back did go very well – and after an unsuccessful all day attempt to fly out on Saturday, we ended up leaving Sunday morning.  As much as we enjoyed spending our last day in O'Hare, we were excited to get back to Singapore!

Jenna and Jim 

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