Haze, Haze Go Away...

It is hard to believe that fall has ended and winter has begun!  Especially since we do not have “American” seasons in Singapore.  Singapore seasons are – Hot, Very Hot, Hazy and Monsoon.  We have just exited hazy and entered monsoon.

Hazy season was particularly bad this year, as evidenced by the photo below.  Both of our offices actually handed out masks to wear outside because the haze was that bad!  There were days we could barely see the river from our balcony – which is like 30 feet.   You can read all about the haze online, but the short story is that it is caused by forest fires in Indonesia resulting from the burning of the plants that produce palm oil.  During the height of the haze, grocery stores stopped carrying products with palm oil from Indonesia in protest.

Haze from the SkyGym..
During the hazy season, Jim and I decided to try out online grocery order - which was a real gamechanger - to avoid the walk outdoors. We will probably never go back to normal grocery shopping again.  Also, the haze outside gave Jim an excuse to spend all Sunday watching college football. 

Clearly, his smile means ND was winning...
(I'll keep Jim's dignity and not post the picture of him when they were losing)

So, this guy wanted in our apt. (not a fan of all the bugs here)

On the weekends, we did find some fun indoor activities to occupy our time such as the SEA Aquarium – which had a fantastic tunnel in which you walked through the shark tank-, got reaquainted with the malls, found a great massage place in Chinatown, tried more dumplings and discovered new bars!

Ready to walk through the Shark Tunnel
Shark Tunnel
Feeding Time
Jim's Best Friends
Found Nemo and Dori! 

That is how you transport beer! 
Soup Dumplings
Our friends we met from Chicago (we really branched out over here) also hosted a fall party – in which every dressed in fall clothing, air-con/fans were blasting, and tailgating food was galore – hot cider, buffalo chicken dip, pumpkin squares and chili – all the comforts from home! 

"American" Party Games

Off to take a naps in the afternoon monsoon,
Jenna and Jim

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