Shake It Off! Shake It Off!

After listening to the Taylor Swift CD on repeat for several months now, the day finally arrived -  The Taylor Swift Concert in Singapore!  This event was pretty much the highlight of my year (with the exception of that wedding).  

In June, I had convinced Jim to get tickets.  The concert sold out in 5 minutes, but we were able to snag two incredibly pricey tickets. The concert turned out to be a good investment.  Taylor was seriously non-stop.  She was constantly moving and shaking- and so was her stage!

Just the essentials - popcorn and Jack & Coke
My only regret was how seriously underdressed Jim and I were for the concert. 
We didn't make t-shirts, wear cat ears, or dress up in Christmas lights like the majority of the concert-goers.  Pretty sure everyone kept mistaking us for parents – Whoops!  #tswiftloversover30

Best Stage Ever
The lights were crazy
After a great 2 hour show, we headed home after the last song (no encores in Asia). The next morning, we guzzled honey and tea all day to soothe our throats from the intense screaming done the night before, but it was totally worth the pain.

Still shakin’ it off from Singapore,
Jenna and Jim

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